Saturday, August 1, 2009

Website Progress

this is pretty much as far as im going to get tonight. Tomorrow I am going to upload everything to the server before I go to this wedding. From what I have found out...From what my dad is jewish tradition to get married on sunday...who knew.....I didnt even know I had jewish family...I think my dad suffers from a mild case of the crazys so who knows how accurate that is.

I digress.....

The problem that was holding me back was if you adjust where the blog post starts, you have to tell blogger that you want the area where the post shows up to be wider. Once I figured out where to do that, everything sank into place really fast.

Since i figured I was running low on time, Instead of making different sections for all my old art and making thumbnails for everything, I took the thumbnails I had and crammed them all into one blog post named "older work". Once I get the site completely finished, that will just change to "other work".

I still have some things I want to do like add sections for everything, modify the type for the link list as well as the headlines, redraw the divot sorta things i had that created a dropshadow behind the images, I also wanted to move images to stay within the template but not always keep everything neatly in lines (i.e if i have 5 images, dont have a row of 3 and a row of 2...kinda keep some gaps in there)...Blogger is suprisingly completely customizeable once you figure out what you are doing. My misadventures with flash, interactive design and blogger have made me so glad I took all the web design and programming classes I could in high school. Learning visual basic made HTML, CSS and actionscript alot easier to learn than they probably should have been.

1 comment:

  1. Its looking good! I hope you and jessica can both continue to push each other to make this blog portfolio thing work. I would like to try to teach some of the methods to other students.
